Mark Your Diary for #EFWeek2022: 14 to 21 October

The seventh annual European Freelancers Week (#EFWeek) is fast approaching. This year we celebrate with the theme: Freelancers, the drivers of the economy.

#EFWeek is a week-long celebration of the freelance ecosystem which takes place from 14 to 21 October 2022. The essential and necessary goal of this week, is for freelancers and friends of the freelancing industry, to host events online or in-person where they can share valuable resources and ideas with others.

We are focusing on bringing the role of freelancers to the attention of all policy makers in 2022. Since the start of #EFWeek we have been dedicated to shining a light on the freelance economy and showing the world how freelancers connect, collaborate and share ideas with like-minded people.

How to register an event

Interested in submitting your own event? Register your event with #EFWeek before 1 October 2022, you can submit your event by filling out this form.

We encourage freelancers and anyone in the freelance ecosystem to host their pre-planned events that may take place during 14 to 21 October, to register it with #EFWeek. It allows your event to get greater exposure within a large ecosystem.

For more information visit:


⌛ Event Dates & Venue

14 Oct - 20 Oct 2022, All Day

💸 Website & Tickets

Link to event siteGo to Event Website

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